Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Testing 1, 2, 3.

It's that time of year! No, I don't mean snow, food, or even Christmas. It's finals week! As a senior, I have the privilege (not the right as stated multiple times by teachers and staff) to exempt three of my finals. It's a great feeling when you get to sleep in and sometimes not even go to school at all. But, as we seniors have been regretfully informed, in college there are no such things as exempting your midterms or finals. That was not music to my ears. I wanted to stop thinking about my upcoming freshman year right then and there; it just isn't fair!

Okay, I'm being irrational. Life isn't about being "fair." Things don't always go in our favor half the time. Someone is always getting something better than we are. God's blessed them a whole lot more than they deserve. Blah blah blah. Don't go away from this page. It's not just me; you do it, too!

We can't exempt the tests God puts in our lives. There's relationships, school, work, death, etc. You name it God can test you with it. We try our best to put on our brave faces, but it doesn't always work. We end up cracking and falling deeper into things that won't help pull us back up. God wants to help you. He wants to be that guiding hand. He wants you to trust Him.

I know when my grandfather died the week before school started two years ago, I was devastated. Why couldn't have God let him pass in the middle of the summer? I wanted to finish my vacation in Switzerland. I wanted to see my friends at school because we had been all over the world and would finally be back together. I didn't want to quickly pack and go back to the States only to turn back one week late in order to go to school. It also made me rethink my faith. Why did I trust in God? Why was a relationship with Him so important anyways? I didn't make sense to me for a long time. But, for some reason, I was at a strange peace with Pop's death.

My grandparents' pastor led the funeral and he compared Pop to King Solomon. I never though of him that way until Pastor Stevens read from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. There is a time for everything. And right then was a time for mourning and remembrance. I had to learn to put my trust in God. I couldn't go anywhere else. Sure, my friends could pray for me and give me hugs. But nothing feels better than having the love God alone can give you.

You may be going through a rough time right now. It could be anything. God doesn't care. All He wants is your trust. Trust that He can do all things. Trust that He will do whats right. He timing is perfect, not ours. And what He brings you to, He brings you through.

In Christ,
Tori M.

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