Thursday, December 30, 2010

"Our fingerprints never fade from the lives we touch."

What's your impact going to be?
Just a few thoughts of encouragement as you start thinking about what you want to do to change the world in 2011.

I've recently discovered the band Willet. Check out their video for Steps:

They believe in making their mark on the world, and they've got a lot planned. Check out their homepage:

Now, a band from my home state...Luminate. Love is an Action is definitely my favorite from them.

Read up on Zach Hunter's blog: He wrote Be the Change. It's an amazing book. I definitely recommend that you read it and be challenged to make a difference! Watch Michael's video for book recommendations to learn more.

"To be the change you wish to see in the world, you don't have to be loud. You don't have to be eloquent. You don't have to be elected. You don't even have to be particularly smart or well educated. You do, however, have to be committed."

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."
                                        -Philippians 4:12-13

" Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."

                                         -1 Timothy 4:12  

Have a blessed new year!
Tori M.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas everyone!

Today is the day that instead of "Hello" we all so "Merry Christmas" it's just what we do. We also open gifts, laugh, eat food, and pray. I'm not going to go on about "the true meaning of Christmas" though I am going to go on about Jesus. Sure they're one and the same but I feel like by now we should understand that after Veggie Tales did a fine job at letting us know. If you haven't seen any Veggie Tales Christmas movies please go to your nearest redbox, Wal*mart or Blockbuster. (If the Blockbuster isn't yet busted.)

Jesus came to this world in the most extraordinarily ordinary way. It's true that He was announced by angels to many people in glorious ways but that makes His ordinariness even more exceptional. The angels continually start their message with a kind yet serious: "don't be afraid." The angels look so glorious they have to start a conversation with humans by simply comforting them so they wont run away from the messenger's very awesomeness. And yet... the Creator of the angels, the One whose glory they resonate, He came as an ordinary little crying baby. I don't know the statistics but from what I've heard birth is a pretty daily thing. Yet, in such an ordinary way, He still managed to save the world. I feel like there are lessons to be learned from every part of this Man's life.

Now looking ahead, a strange example comes to mind. God the Father hands a gift to His Son and the Son opens it. Looking inside He sees something broken, something flawed, rebellious and lost. And yet He loves what He sees, it's His, His bride, His chosen people.
One day (and I pray it's soon) Christ will return for His people. This time He will not be subtle but rather all will know and see His glory. He will tear back the sky like wrapping paper and be the Savior we know Him to be. This day is soon, very soon.

I hope you have all had a fantastic and wonderful Christmas. Joy to the world, the Lord is come.
Merry Christmas, here's to many more.

For His glory,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Testing 1, 2, 3.

It's that time of year! No, I don't mean snow, food, or even Christmas. It's finals week! As a senior, I have the privilege (not the right as stated multiple times by teachers and staff) to exempt three of my finals. It's a great feeling when you get to sleep in and sometimes not even go to school at all. But, as we seniors have been regretfully informed, in college there are no such things as exempting your midterms or finals. That was not music to my ears. I wanted to stop thinking about my upcoming freshman year right then and there; it just isn't fair!

Okay, I'm being irrational. Life isn't about being "fair." Things don't always go in our favor half the time. Someone is always getting something better than we are. God's blessed them a whole lot more than they deserve. Blah blah blah. Don't go away from this page. It's not just me; you do it, too!

We can't exempt the tests God puts in our lives. There's relationships, school, work, death, etc. You name it God can test you with it. We try our best to put on our brave faces, but it doesn't always work. We end up cracking and falling deeper into things that won't help pull us back up. God wants to help you. He wants to be that guiding hand. He wants you to trust Him.

I know when my grandfather died the week before school started two years ago, I was devastated. Why couldn't have God let him pass in the middle of the summer? I wanted to finish my vacation in Switzerland. I wanted to see my friends at school because we had been all over the world and would finally be back together. I didn't want to quickly pack and go back to the States only to turn back one week late in order to go to school. It also made me rethink my faith. Why did I trust in God? Why was a relationship with Him so important anyways? I didn't make sense to me for a long time. But, for some reason, I was at a strange peace with Pop's death.

My grandparents' pastor led the funeral and he compared Pop to King Solomon. I never though of him that way until Pastor Stevens read from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. There is a time for everything. And right then was a time for mourning and remembrance. I had to learn to put my trust in God. I couldn't go anywhere else. Sure, my friends could pray for me and give me hugs. But nothing feels better than having the love God alone can give you.

You may be going through a rough time right now. It could be anything. God doesn't care. All He wants is your trust. Trust that He can do all things. Trust that He will do whats right. He timing is perfect, not ours. And what He brings you to, He brings you through.

In Christ,
Tori M.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Book Recommendations

Hello everybody!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic Monday! Here is a video for your enjoyment.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Breathe in, Breathe out.

I don’t know about you, but most of my life I have been in Christian circles of friends, but now I am mostly around non-believers. I hang out with a group of friends during lunch every day during school. Generally, I don’t say much because I am naturally quiet and the conversations they carry usually revolve around TV shows, partying, awkward topics, and other random stuff. That is lunch.

Why do I hang out with them? That is a question I ask myself often. On one hand, “The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.” –Proverbs 12:26. Friends can build up and strengthen, but if your friends are not seeking the Lord, they can lead you to think or do things that compromise your faith. But on the other hand, “The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.” –Matthew 11:19. Even people who saw Jesus said he was a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners. But his deeds spoke otherwise. So, I think how we act around others can be a huge testimony to them. Also there is this to take into account: “To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” -1 Corinthians 9:21-23. Paul becomes weak so as to save the weak. He becomes like the lawless to save the lawless. I am not saying that we should do whatever the rest of the world does so as to save them, but I am saying that we should live at a place where we can minister to the lost. If people aren’t drawn to the church, we should go out into the streets and meet them at their level.

But is what I am doing ministering to my friends and meeting them at their level? Honestly, I have days when I want to walk away from whatever they are talking about. It is a balance between being with them and trying to find opportunities to minister to them, and acting like them. One my friends in that group says she is a Christian, yet is no different from the others. That is my fear. I do not want to go astray under the influence of my friends at school.

God calls us all to be bearers of Himself to the lost. I believe that one of the best ways to do that is through love. To love others right where they’re at. Not wanting them to change who they are before you will love them. Befriend them and show them that you’ll be there for them when they need you. The way I see it, witnessing is like breathing. You have to inhale before you can exhale. In other words, you have be filled with the Spirit before you can really be a light to your friends at school.  Stay in a strong relationship with the Lord. Spend time in God’s Word and in prayer. If you are filled up with Christ, you are less likely to let your mind be filled with things that aren’t pleasing the God. If you arent 'breathing God in', you probably arent witnessing by the Spirit, and thus, could be dragged down rather than building up.

So, my encouragement to you is this: Spend time with God. Your life should reflect your relationship with Him. And other people will see a difference in you.

In Christ,
-Daniel C.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"World Moving Backwards"

I started look through my old notes on Facebook and decided to replace my earlier post with one I wrote in April of this year:

It's almost the end of the school year! It's crazy thinking about it. I can't believe tomorrow's my last TAKS test ever!! Taking those things since 4th grade makes me want to scream. But, hey, it's life. Speaking of life. I'm in for an amazing ride. Ya'll don't have to agree or disagree. These are the facts and opinions I'm facing. Writing by hand is killing me due to AP Lang, ACT, and SAT, so typing it is:

God's doing something. I don't know what, but He is. I've had this constant remind of death lately. I don't know why, but I am. It's a scary thought. I want eternal life with God, but it's just weird knowing all this is temporary and people overly abuse what they have. People get so caught up in their lives and their drama. It's sickening. We're supposed to make this world a better place; we just make it worse. None of the 'go green' projects really make an impact (they may a little but not a lot). Water is in a constant cycle! It will never diminish. What IS diminishing is the faith of this world.

Today after the science TAKS I heard constant debate over religion. It's starting to get peevish. It's the same people, the same subject, and the same arguments. Now, don't get me wrong. I love the fact that these people have a passion for their faith, as we all should, but arguing the same thing over and over again gets us no where. I have the wonderful opportunity to travel to Ethiopia this summer. Boy, am I ever so stoked! We've been advised to stray from arguments (political and religious) and anything that doesn't show the true nature of Jesus Christ. We can't further God's kingdom by forcing our beliefs on someone. We have to show love, accept people for who they are, and KINDLY tell them about Jesus and what He has done for us. He died out of love.

But, this "love" has become a misconstrued concept in today's society. I myself have used it out of the context God intended it for. However, I'm now seeing it in a different light. Without love, no one can truly be accepted. Without love, Jesus is never seen. Without love, we can't survive. As Christians we are failing to show the love that Christ gave us. People see us as judgmental-Gandhi would have become a Christian had it not been for the Christians (think about that). I'm no saint, but there are people out there who are two faced and pain me. I want to cry every time I see them. No one's anywhere near perfection, but we need to strive for it.

I've watched "born again" Christians almost every day of my life do things that shock me beyond belief- or at least hear them talk of what they've done. I still love them, but it hurts to know that they're okay with what they've done. They don't care; they don't regret it; they don't even notice. It makes me doubt myself sometimes. Is Christianity the right thing? Is there something I'm missing?

I know God is going to use our generation some way and some how. We need to be ready for it. Who knows when the second coming is. It could be today; it could be next week; it could be in ten years. Yes, I shouldn't worry, but I do. Truth is, I'm scared. I don't want to mess up and find myself somewhere I don't want to be. I've got to have faith and trust in the unseen. We all do. I don't fully understand what God's trying to press upon my heart. However, I do know that He wants to use me in a big way, whether it be at school, downtown, or overseas. I want to follow His will and His alone. Not mine. Not yours. His and His alone.

"All of us are sinners. True Christians are repentant sinners. And God’s grace is mighty to save us and change us – every one of us and every part of us."

In Christ,
Tori M.

Friday, December 3, 2010

God is Love

He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
1 John 4:8

God is love. Think about it. I could go on and on about it. Such a simple, almost obvious concept but so wonderful. If you place emphasis on each word separately you have a lot to think about.

God is love// The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are love. Jesus is love. Not sex, not money or shiney things or even kindness because that too can be done in selfishness. Everything apart from God is loveless and, though I shudder thinking about it, its all done in selfishness. Christ is love. This adds so much more meaning to Proverbs 10:12 "Love covers all sin."
When Christ died for our sins, He was the embodiment of love because He was the embodiment of God. When we going through life all of us seek for love and we try to find it in so many different places. God talks in the bible about being a jealous God. I can hear Him saying, "Why are you going there for love? Why are you searching for love where it is not? I am love! Here in My arms is where you will be truly loved."

God is love// The word 'is' should have an alternate, stronger and more meaningful version. For someone or something to be someone or something is meaningful.
In this world love is thrown around like any other word. Everyone wants it and we all sing 'what is love?' and people fall in and out of it. We love food, love mom, love the weather we're having and feel love. Now sure, love can be felt and you can love all those things but also like we sing its 'more than a feeling.' Love is more than a feeling, more than an action or commitment or sacrifice, love is a Being.
There was a time when I thought that total and complete anguish was the strongest feeling anyone could feel. I wasn't Gothic, (though I do love you goths out there!) but I wore black a good bit because it's an honest color, a sign of brokenness. Brokenness has it's place and it can be good but you can't stay broken forever. There is something that is stronger than hurt, hate, joy, longing, sex, anguish or anything of this world and that is love. Becaue

God is love// Throughout the Bible God is called a lot of things, all of them are true and praise worthy but this one is my favorite for now. In the context, John is saying that to know God is to love. This is amazing. For me this adds a lot of meaning and purpose to my quiet times. I have always put loving others before knowing God but in 1 John 4:7 John says that we should love others because "he who loves is born of God and knows God." So if you spend time with the Lord, if you worship Him in the quiet of your heart, study His truths and draw close to Him you will find yourself loving others. If God is in you and you seek Him out you really have no other choice!

With this knowledge comes also the understanding of the sad fact that apart from God is nothing lovely, it is all prideful and selfish. Every action, thought and belief of the lost can be torn down and you're left with nothing to offer God, nothing worthy. We're all to be tested by fire and everything that does not know God is to be cast away. 
Now like I've been talking about: God is love. Pray for the lost, go and find them, show them God and His perfect love. Love its self came to us and died for us so that we could know and love Him all the more. My beloved, if God loved us enough to send His Son to die for us, we ought to love one another.

Some links I thought of while copying this from my notebook:
 If you're want to know more about experiencing God's love, here's a great video.
A song for the searching.
A story of a song.

Thanks for reading everyone!