Wednesday, January 26, 2011

He is on our side

American Idol's tenth season started last week. When I lived overseas, my family and I would watch it together in order to have some know of what was going on in the music realm. Each episode has its ups and downs, the amazing and the not-so-amazing. However, this season is different. They've changed around the judges and the way they present the auditions. Producers now added more meat to contestants by showing more of their personal lives and less of the auditions that make you want to cringe. And, well, today's episode had one of the hardest hitting stories they've ever shown.

Of course, the producers show snippets throughout the two hours in order to keep audiences interested, and they keep the story for the VERY last part possible. The man auditioning shows Jennifer, Steven, and Randy his girlfriend's engagement ring, and he proceeds to tell his story: He and his girlfriend have been dating for eight years; they've been engaged for two. The couple made plans to marry exactly two years-- to the date--after the engagement. But plans had to change. The fiance was in a tragic accident two months before they were to make their vows. She is now paralyzed and unable to speak. He has never left her side; he and her mom work together to support her. "I could never leave when she needed me the most," says the contestant.

I don't think I've ever cried so much during an Idol episode. I could never know how much they have been through. It's hard to think how something so tragic could happen to such a beautiful couple, such a beautiful girl. It broke my heart to see her nod her head in approval as she learned her fiance was going to Hollywood; she had to move her entire torso to get her point across. I'm glad God is giving the couple as much strength as he is. Their story is the perfect example of how God loves and treats us.

He has NEVER left our side. He is ALWAYS there for us. Don't ever doubt his love and adoration for you. If it doesn't seem like he cares, he really does! Jeremiah 29:11 says: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.God's the only one true love we can ever have; he supports us through and through. He thinks you are the best there can be.  God can always use you to further his kingdom and make his story known, for you are beautiful, intelligent, graceful, inspiring, no matter what happens.

Psalms 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
                                                                  JJ Heller "Your Hands"

-Much Love,
Tori M.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Love is here.

Do you know that God loves you? He is really crazy about us. Do you know how in love with us He is? Well, for starters, He CREATED us. He created YOU. He spent nine months making you just the way He wants you to look, and probably planned you long before that. He gave you a place to live. It's called Earth. All the trees, the animals, the food, the sky. God made it for us. And not just that, He gave us eyes with which to see the sky, ears with which to hear the birds, noses with which to smell the flowers, mouths with which to taste the apples, hands with which to work, and feet with which to run and dance.
You know that slimy thing inside your mouth that you need to be able to lick ice cream from a cone? It's called your tongue. God gave it to you so that you could speak and sing and relate to other people. God gave it to us. And the little white things that you have to brush twice a day so that they don't rot. They are the teeth that God gave to you so that you can chew meat that He has provided for you. I could go on forever about the things on our bodies that God has blessed us with. If you think about it, it's insane. God knew what you needed to live, and He provided you with the right body to do the things that He knew you would do.
So, He has given us bodies to live in and a place comfortable enough for us to live in. I once hears somewhere that if the Earth was a few meters closer or further away from the Sun, it would be either too hot or too cold for us to live on. Isn't that amazing? Out of all the planets that God created, he chose one to be at the exact position for our lives to be comfortable.
He gave us each other. He didn't just make one human and say "That's enough. One will be fine." No. Right now, there is over 6 billion on this planet. That's alot of people, alot of unique, individual people. Just stop and think about it. Out of the millions of people God has created over the course of human history, there is no one, NO ONE just like you. You are special. You are unique. You are original. But you aren't alone. God knows that we need other people. People to live with, to comfort us when we are down, to laugh with, to cry with, to share with. He has made a community for us.
He gave us feeling. Have you ever thought what the world would be like if there was no emotion in it? Life would be bland. God gave us love so that we could love Him. He gave us laughter and tears, grief and joy. He gave feeling so that we could live deeper lives, so we could feel His love for us, so that we could feel the joy in being with other people, the grief in the death of our grandparents, laughter to express happiness, and tears to express sorrow. And if you just think about love for a moment. He let us have an attraction to certain people. He lets us experience a little bit of what His relationship with us is when He gave us marriage. He is amazing.
He gave us commandments to live by. Not because He is strict or mean, but because He loves us. He gives us rules because He knows that if we follow them, it will be better for us and everyone around us. He told us "Do not lie" because He knows that if we all are honest, we can trust each other and rely on one another much better than if all of us are liars.
He gave us the ability to obey those commandments. But He loves us so much that He doesn't want us to be robots, doing just what they're meant to, without minds of their own. So, He gave us free will, the ability to choose whether to obey or disobey what He tells us to do. He lets us choose whether we want a relationship with Him or not. And even if we reject Him, He still loves us and pursues us.
He knew that we would all break His commandments and do whatever we wanted to do instead. And when He created commandments He created consequences for disobeying those commandments. [If you think about it, if God has not given us punishment for doing wrong, then His laws cease to be laws, just suggestions.] In early Hebrew history, when someone had sinned, that person had to sacrifice one of the best of his animals to make restitution for what he had done. God decided to have His Son become a human, a mere human, to lead us and to teach us and to love us.
You have probably heard this alot, but please dont go cliche on me. You already know that God loves us so much that He gave us His Son to die for us, so that we may have eternal life. Think about it. God loves us so much that He GAVE us His SON to DIE for US so that we could have ETERNAL LIFE. Think about someone in your life that you love more than anyone else. Now, pretend that you have authority over that person. You're giving up that person, you're letting that person suffer a brutal, painful death. That is what God did with Jesus. He let Jesus die on a cross so that we, His CREATIONS, could live a holy, pure, blameless life with Him forever. We matter that much to God. It's amazing how much He loves us. God loves us so much that He took all of our sin, ALL OF IT. The sin we have committed, are committing, and will commit in the future. He took all of it and put it on the head of Jesus, to make him pay for what we have done. It's like what Paul said in Colossians 1:13b-14 "He forgave all our sins, having cancelled the written code, with it's regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross."

God's love for us is SO extensive and SO great. We could probably write ten hundred books about the love of Christ and not cover everything. As humans, we probably cannot even comprehend how much God loves us. So, what should our response be to this? I think that if God loves us this much, if He let His son die so that He could have a relationship with us, He is really worth getting to know pretty well. I encourage you all to just spend more time in the Word and in prayer. Trust me, it's worth it.

Here is a  music video by Tenth Avenue North that I really like:

In Christ,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sugar Rush

As many of you know, Ohio defeated Arkansas in the Sugar Bowl last Tuesday in New Orleans. (Arkansas could have had it if Ohio didn't intercept the ball, but we won't discuss play by plays here. That's what YouTube is for.) I was actually at the game. Yes, you read that right: I was there! My brother plays trumpet in our school's band, and they were invited to be a part of the pregame and halftime shows. It was a once in a lifetime experience I never want to forget.

Sitting on the field was definitely a little disgruntling. We could hardly see the game because the team stood right in front of us and we weren't allowed to stand for long periods of time. And it was difficult to watch the screens since they were high up and unclear. So I was forced to depend on the thousands of fans to help me know what was going on. Fact: The Superdome can hold almost 80,000 people!! 80,000!! That's a LOT of screaming fans. (For you European futbol fans, think World Cup vuvuzelas times 2.)

Superdome before fans are allowed in.

Superdome after fans are aloud in (pun intended).

The whole weekend we were in NOLA fans swarmed the streets and sporadically yelled their respective school cheers (OH...IO! or Woo pig sooie!) It was really cool to see how passionate people were about the game. But, at the same time, it made me wonder: What if we as Christians had the same amount of passion about Christ as these fans have for their schools? Wouldn't it be amazing!?

Since I couldn't see the field well, I imagined the entire Superdome screaming and shouting for God's team; I was moved to tears. It was so surreal! If we can set time in our schedules to travel to a bowl game, can't we set time in their for God? Can't we go crazy for the Lord, too?

People often choose which university/college they will attend because of the football (American or European) team. They want the adrenaline rush of cheering at the top of their lungs until their voice is no longer in existence. They want the thrill of beating the other team. If we could spend just as much energy voicing our faith in Christ, the world would be a different place. So many more people would realize how exciting a relationship with Jesus really is. (I'm not saying it's easy, but it's definitely worth it.)

So instead of having a sugar rush, let's have a Jesus rush.
-Tori M.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Illuminate: To become lighted; glow.

Last week,  I attended a youth retreat, which several youth groups participated in. The main theme was to illuminate. Illuminate: Verb
1. To become lighted; glow.
2. To provide intellectual or spiritual enlightenment and understanding
3. To be exposed to or revealed by radiation.
How are Christians expected to illuminate in a dark world? One thing that the speakers pointed out is that Christians have become so comfortable with the darkness, and the sin of this world. We watch TV shows that we secretly know we'd instantly turn off if Jesus was visibly in the room. We listen to music that glorifies things that do not glorify God in any shape, or form. By standing out of the norm, by denying our sinful desires that will wreck our relationship with God, we bring out a glow. That glow, which can be illuminated by others, can eventually be a fire on a hill. A light that cannot be put out.
I encourage you, as January 2011 rolls on, to consume more and more of God's word. No, I don't mean those two chapters you cram in just before you go to sleep, or get ready for school, but actually take time to understand it. Personally get to know God. Read 10 chapters a day, instead of just 3. It may seem like that's pushing it, but it's so worth it. Is watching your favourite TV show more important than knowing God? Do whatever it takes to spend quality time with him, so that your eyes will be opened, and your life will surely change. 
Let your love for God illuminate your daily life. Don't let excuses, or bad habits, dictate your relationship with Him. Get a buddy, who can keep you accountable, or put up signs to stop you from doing things you're most vunerable with. Most importantly,
Your Sister in Christ,